
assistant professor
Computer science department
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Belgrade
I enrolled the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Computer Science in October 2001, and graduated from the University in December 2006, with GPA 9.93 out of 10.00. I started my PhD studies at the same department in October 2007. I defended my PhD thesis with subject "Improving SMT solvers using CSP techniques and parallelization techniques" on 8 December, 2016.
I have worked as a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Mathematics, Department of Computer Science from February 2007 to September 2017. I have taught courses "Introduction to programming", "Microprocessors", "Introduction to Computer Organization", "Software Development", "Advanced Computer Architecture", "Automated Reasoning", "Introduction to Computer Architecture", "Parallel algorithms". I work as an assistant professor at the same department since September 2017. I teach (or I have taught) the following courses: "Introduction to computer organization and architecture", "Computer architecture", "Compilation of programming languages", "Web programming", "Automated reasoning", "Constraint programming".
Full biography can be downloaded here.
My research fields include mathematical logic in computer science, and automated reasoning, with emphasis on SAT and SMT solvers and their applications. I am also interested in constraint programming. I participate in a national research project in the area of automated reasoning, led by prof. Predrag Janičić, and I am a member of Argo Group. For more information about my current research, visit my research page.
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